Thursday, June 11, 2009

surfing the net all day long is bad?

good day to my viewers,this is my first posting so i'll make it simple..
i've would like to say that i totally disagree with people who said that sitting in front of pc all day long is bad for your health..
surfing the net is good...
you can catch up with cuurent issues on what's happening in world wide,that even the news that is not included in newspapers..
internet also a hell of a good library for student and for you of course..
there is nothing,i mean nothing that u can't find in the internet from good knowledge to a bad influence that even can destroy ur life..
but it depend on how you use the internet actually...
yeah i agree with some of you saying that sitting on your chair in front of your pc is bad for your health because you don't excercise...that's rite allright...
let's call it a day because i could ramble on and on...


  1. yup sit in front of computer for the whole day is harmful to our health...
    u must admit that fact dol.

  2. wahhh..i'm interesting look ur blog..cantek la..haahaa

  3. mu xpuas hati ape?
    mu mari cini ar...

  4. mu ingt mu bez duk kt depan 2..

  5. mu stail git6u a...
    tp bkn berani pun....
